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>From amos-request@svcs1.digex.net Wed Jan 28 00:43:04 1998
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From: Mush <mushypd@redrose.net>
Reply-To: mushypd@redrose.net
To: Jens Vang Petersen <top_cat@post8.tele.dk>
CC: amos-list@access.digex.net
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 23:37:21 +0500
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Subject: Re: sorry for this....
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It was on the night of 27-Jan-98, when no creatures were stirring, and all was
silent. Suddenly, Jens jumped out from behind a rock and wouldnt stop shouting
about "Re: sorry for this...." until I was forced to knock them out:
�-> Just a note, there's actualy two great AGA-supporting extensions in beta-
�-> state right now. The new GUI, and the new OS DevKit. For those complaining
�-> about the OS DevKit being hard to use (like myselve) it's now including
�-> some very easy-to-use screens, windows and gadgets commands, one of the
�-> best features is that it's capable of fully supporting datatypes and
�-> locales in your programs (localisation is almost imposible with GUI as far
�-> as I know for now).. I can inform you that I'm currently beta-testing the
�-> OS DevKit 1.54 and from what I've been told about GUI I'd prefer OS
�-> as it gives so much else that the GUI don't have. The lib file of OS is
�-> currently about 92 Kb in size and are almost bigger than the mainlib of
�-> AMOS Pro 2.0 :)..
The GUI Extension is the only library out there tht ive seen in action, I
havent seen any of the OS devkit examples yet, even though the author said
he had re-written a ot of things and would send me something to play with.
The GUI extension does lack a lot of stuff, indeed Locale is a major
downside, but their are a lot of things that it does support, such as
virtually full GFX card support (screenmodes etc.). Does OS Devkit support
GFX card modes, or just AGA modes?
GUI extension allows to open custom screenmodes too, for example, I could
open a lowres screen of just 50x50 pixels. Frokm what I can tell from the
lib, the extension now supports IFF loading and displaying of images in the
library. Until pietro gets back to me with some info on the newer commands, I
cant be certain of how they work properly.
One thing that makes the GUI extension a pleasure to use as well as the OS
stuff, is the excellent TCP commands is boasts, as no other extension ive
seen can handle the net in the same way they do. For example, having
timeouts so the system doesnt lock, asynchronous operations, the works.
�-> I hope noone takes this too serious but I'm a bit pissed by always hearing
�-> that the GUI is the best solution for intuition and it's the only serious
�-> looking extension for AGA users.. WRONG, GUI might still be the easist to
�-> use, but OS gives much better control for whatever you plan to make, and
�-> it dosn't matter if you want intuition or AGA screens, this will be my
�-> no. 1 choice from now on... And by the way, there's a little program that
�-> can convert a GUI build with GAD-tools-box to a pice of OS-source :))
Im not taking it too serious, but the question remains with the user. "Why
should I pay X amount for this extension, when that extension does just the
same". What does the OS DEvkit have that the GUI extension doesnt? Im not
getting at anyone here, just asking a simple question.
Ive been waiting for some stuff on the new OS Devkit for a while so I can
explain a bit about its newer functions in an MPD report. Id also like to
try a few speed comparisons on the two extensions.
Andrew "Mushroom" Kellett
Email: Andy Kellett <mushypd@redrose.net> Team *AMOS* + IAPA Team *AMIGA*
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